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Wellbeing Centre’s welcome to all
4th December 2019
An improved range of opportunities for patients and carers from across the community, is now available at the Princess Alice Hospice Wellbeing Centre.
The Wellbeing Centre, based at the Hospice in Esher, brings together a range of specialised outpatient services and activities.
The aim is to help give people with life-limiting conditions and their carers the best possible quality of life by managing symptoms, building confidence and helping them take back control of their lives.
TV fitness guru Diana Moran paid a visit to the Hospice, to see the Wellbeing Centre since its recent significant refresh.
Following a welcome address by Rebecca Trower, Deputy Director, Quality & Patient Experience, Diana helped patient Jean Stewart cut the ribbon to mark the occasion.
Diana then said a few words in praise of the Centre, the staff and volunteers. She stayed for tea and cake and chatted to guests.
The success of the improved space has been brought about largely by the imaginations of Hospice staff, who worked incredibly creatively with a minimal budget to create maximum impact – they also employed their full powers of persuasion when contacting local companies to ask them to donate materials for the works.
Finishing touches such as new shelving, trays and coasters were contributed by the Hospice Man Shed.
The Centre will be offering a wide programme of events, including educational talks and drop-in sessions, alongside an extended choice of wellbeing therapies, nursing care and support for patients and their families.
Each weekday has a different focus: Tuesdays, for example, are devoted to helping people learn about what the Hospice can offer – whether you are a patient, family member, care professional or member of the public. There’s a variety of information sessions to pop into, as well as complementary therapies, exercise, relaxation sessions and art sessions.
Other days offer a respite day, social group, move & relax.
A booklet to explain the full range of services on offer is available here.