Notice 003 – Regulation & E-z Cert Update
24th July 2018
INTERNATIONAL TRADE NOTICE NUMBER:003 DATE: 8th December 2016 Dear all, Regulation Change to the British Chambers of Commerce Contract to deliver export documentation From 1st February 2017, all export documentation customers must be registered with our e-z cert certification service.
Brexit Transition Period – Notice 001
6th February 2020
5th February 2020 UK remains part of EU Free Trade Agreements during transition period I’m sure this will not be news to you; however, we have had a number of enquiries from companies and from colleagues across the International network
Notice 018 – Iraq – Non-UK Origin Letter
24th July 2018
INTERNATIONAL TRADE NOTICE NUMBER: 018 DATE: 26th March 2018 Additional requirement for Legalisation of Arab Certificate of Origin for Iraq We have been made aware that the Iraqi embassy have issued a notice, effective from the 20th March 2018, that
Notice 015 – Qatar Update
24th July 2018
INTERNATIONAL TRADE NOTICE NUMBER: 015 DATE: 9th June 2017 Dear all, Qatar – the latest information available – Statement from the British Chamber of Commerce in Qatar Companies trading with Qatar are becoming increasingly concerned about the severing of diplomatic
Notice 34 – COO Guidelines Update
1st August 2019
With the importance of Certificates of Origin within international trade never been greater and with the advancement of technology, the International Chambers of Commerce along with the World Customs Organisation and the World Trade Organisation, with contributions from the British
Notice 019 – Switzerland – Clarification of COO
24th July 2018
INTERNATIONAL TRADE NOTICE NUMBER: 019 DATE: 26th March 2018 Certificate of Origin clarification for goods being exported to Switzerland We have been made aware that an increasing number of exporters are being requested to obtain Certificates of Origin that have
Qatar Documentation Requirements
10th January 2019
Date: 3rd January 2019 We have been notified by the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce that with immediate effect, the following points must be adhered to in relation to submitting documents accompanying Arab Certificates of Origin for legalisation by the
Notice 32 – Legalisation of Arab Certificate of Origin and Invoices – Saudi Arabia
27th February 2019
Legalisation of Arab Certificate of Origin and Invoices – Saudi Arabia Date: 27th February 2019 We have recently been advised by the Arab British Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) that the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will no longer
Notice 009 – Arab Update
24th July 2018
INTERNATIONAL TRADE NOTICE NUMBER:009 DATE: 15th March 2017 Dear all, Arab Embassy Update – Iraq The Arab British Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) have issued the following updates for Iraq Please note – these update apply only to Arab Certificates of
Notice 33 – German Packaging Register
22nd July 2019
The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce warns that the newly created German Packaging Register (ZSVR) has passed on some 2,000 discrepancies in reported packaging data to the relevant German authorities for legal enforcement. Affected companies can expect severe
Legalisation of Arab COO- Bahrain
10th January 2019
Date: 9th January 2019 We have been notified by the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce that from the 1st December 2018, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain will only legalise Certificates of Origin that have been issued as their
Notice 017 – Turkey – ATR and Rule of Origin
24th July 2018
INTERNATIONAL TRADE NOTICE NUMBER: 017 DATE: 13th March 2018 Notification regarding Certificates of Origin for Turkey We have been made aware that the Turkish customs authority have issued a notice, effective from the 28th February 2018, that for certain goods
UAE Documentation Requirements
10th January 2019
Date: 3rd January 2019 We have been notified by the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce that with immediate effect, the following points must be adhered to in relation to submitting documents accompanying Arab Certificates of Origin for legalisation by the UAE
Notice 31 – Preferential and Non-Preferential Certificates of Origin (No Deal Brexit)
15th February 2019
Notice 31 – Preferential and Non-Preferential Certificates of Origin (No Deal Brexit) The British Chambers of Commerce and the accredited Chamber Network continue to work to avoid a messy and disorderly exit from the European Union on 29th March. However,
Understanding documentation for 2021
2nd July 2020
Is your business ready for 1/1/21 and the end of the transition period? Are you a customs agent? Or does your company use customs agents and intermediaries to help you trade with the EU? If so, you need to know how to
Notice 014 – Qatar – Shipping issues for UK Exporters
24th July 2018
INTERNATIONAL TRADE NOTICE NUMBER: 014 DATE: 7th June 2017 Dear all, Qatar – Shipping issues for UK Exporters Many of you will be aware that Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, the UAE, and the internationally recognised Yemeni government severed their diplomatic
Update on Export Documentation after 1st January 2021
23rd December 2020
Surrey Chambers of Commerce recently ran a webinar talking about the upcoming changes to International Trade documentation. A copy of the slides of the presentation can be found below Export Documentation Update – Dec 2020 A recording of
Notice 022 – Update of Egyptian Regulations
24th July 2018
INTERNATIONAL TRADE NOTICE NUMBER: 022 DATE: 31st May 2018 Dear all, Regulations update for Egypt We have received the following information from the Egyptian-British Chamber of Commerce. These instructions are in light of the document issued in the name of
Notice 025 – Amendments to Exporter Statement for A.TR. Certificates
18th September 2018
INTERNATIONAL TRADE NOTICE NUMBER: 025 DATE: 18th September 2018 Amendments to Exporter Statement for A.TR. Certificates It has come to our attention that there have been some minor amendments to the Exporter Statement for A.TR’s per Customs Notice 812. A
International Trade : The Way Forward
29th September 2020
Today we live in a fast paced and ever evolving world. Recent history only goes to highlight that the future remains uncertain. At the end of this year we will leave the European Union and, of course, we hope