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Surrey Covid Screening have secured reduced Covid-19 testing prices for all clients!
8th September 2021

We are pleased to announce that we have secured improved rates with our government approved laboratory testing partner and are able to share this with our clients across all the types of tests we offer as from Monday 6th September. Our rates for in clinic testing will be amongst the lowest prices in Surrey.
The UK government has made it a condition of any international travel that individuals take a test before travel and on your arrival in the UK. The number of tests needed to be taken depends on whether you arrive from a green or amber country as well as your vaccination status.
As demand has increased and the market has matured we have been able to streamline our clinical provision and operation which has enabled us to secure improved terms and rates with our government approved test laboratory.
From September we will provide personalised, professional, safe and secure Covid-19 testing for antibody, antigen and PCR swab screening for ‘Fit to Fly’ and ‘Test and Release’, and Day 2 return testing at very competitive low prices.
Single tests:
PCR Test (Fit to Fly – Test to Release – Day 2 Return) – £119
Rapid Antigen – £59
Package deals:
PCR Fit to Fly & return PCR Day 2 – £189
Rapid Antigen & return PCR £149
For further information about the personalised and professional services we provide, please contact us at: website: email: or call us on 01932 558441