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Notice 025 – Amendments to Exporter Statement for A.TR. Certificates
18th September 2018
NUMBER: 025 DATE: 18th September 2018
Amendments to Exporter Statement for A.TR. Certificates
It has come to our attention that there have been some minor amendments to the Exporter Statement for A.TR’s per Customs Notice 812. A copy of the revised statement is below.
Action to be taken:
If you apply for A.TRs by post
You are required to use the revised statement with immediate effect. Please destroy or delete previous versions and update with the statement below.
Postal applications with the old statement received before 21st September will still be accepted. Any applications received after this date will be required to have the new Exporter Statement.
If you apply for A.TRs via e-z Cert
E-z Cert are in the process of updating their online versions and until the update has taken place, the old Exporter Statement will still be accepted. If you use the exporter statement within e-z cert, there is no action to be taken. If you upload your own exporter statement, you are required to make sure that the new version is used.
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
Exporter Statement Where No Export Declaration Is Available –
To Be Completed on Company Headed Paper
Please complete at * and submit with the referred ATR and export invoice;
If you do not understand all of this, you cannot sign it
* RE: ATR Number……………………………………………………
* RE: Invoice Number………………………………………………
I understand the use of an ATR as specified in Customs Notice 812 and confirm that the ATR and invoice relate to qualifying goods in free circulation in the European Union.
* This movement is covered by Customs Procedure Code (CPC) number
The CPC is the information which appears in box 37 of the entry. Details of CPC’s can be found in Appendix E1 of the Customs Tariff, Volume 3. If you don’t have access to the Tariff, your freight forwarder should be able to provide you with this information.
*The goods in this movement are covered by Customs Tariff heading(s)
I confirm that the goods are transported direct to Turkey. Direct transport is goods transported:
- without passing through countries outside either the EU or Turkey
- through countries outside the EU or Turkey, or transhipped in those countries, provided they:
o aren’t: delivered for home use in the country of transit
o remain under customs control in the country of transit
o don’t undergo any operation there other than unloading, reloading or any operation designed to keep them in good condition