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Updated Local Plan – consultation on main changes starts 11 September
5th September 2018
Help shape the borough’s future by commenting on the main modifications to our updated Local Plan in the next consultation, as agreed by the Executive at its meeting last night (4 September).
Cllr Paul Spooner, Leader of the Council, says: “We continue to make progress in developing our new Local Plan to balance community needs and tackle local issues, wherever you live or work in our borough. The government’s Planning Inspector found our plan to be substantially sound on all key tests during the recent public hearings, which form part of his independent examination. As with many other hearings, he recommended that we make some changes and consult on these before his conclusion and final report.
“Getting public feedback to the Inspector and the Council is another essential step in providing sustainable places to live and work, supported by vital infrastructure and a great environment. The latest Local Plan consultation is targeted on just the main updates that we have made at the Inspector’s request. It gives everyone another opportunity to help shape the future by commenting on the changes we propose to achieve his interim recommendations. The Inspector can then review the comments before completing his examination and final recommendations to the Council.”
Get involved and be part of the plan
Here is a summary of how you can get involved in the public consultation.
We will also promote the latest details nearer the time and you can view more information about the new Local Plan at:
During the consultation, from 12 noon on Tuesday 11 September – 12 noon on Tuesday 23 October, we will only be asking for comments about the main modifications to the plan.
These will be clearly shown in the Schedule of Main Modifications as tracked changes.
Ways to view the documents and changes
During the consultation, copies of the Schedule of Main Modifications, the draft Local Plan with proposed modifications inserted and accompanying documents, including the representation form to submit written comments, will be available:
• to view on the Council’s website at
• for inspection at Guildford Borough Council offices, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB during office hours (excluding Bank Holidays).
• for inspection, during normal opening hours at Guildford Library, Ash Library, Horsley Library and Shere Diamond Jubilee Library.
Ways to submit written comments
Consultation feedback about the changes must be provided in writing and ideally via our representation form. Please ensure all comments clearly state and identify which main modification number they relate to in the Schedule of Main Modifications.
You can submit your written comments on the main modifications in a number of ways:
• online at
• email to
• post to: Planning Policy Team, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, GU2 4BB