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Have your say on Guildford borough’s future

9th March 2020

What do you think should be our top priority to ensure Guildford continues to be one of the most successful boroughs in the South East? Maybe it’s environmentally friendly transport or more affordable housing? Tackling climate change or developing our historic town centre? Share your views in our survey. We welcome your valuable feedback which will help shape our new Corporate Plan, setting our focus as a Council for the next five years.

Cllr Caroline Reeves, Leader of the Council says: “The Corporate Plan will set out our key areas for the future and enable us to address challenges ahead. Before we put the new Corporate Plan together, we want to find out the issues that matter most to local residents and businesses across the borough. Our survey is open until Friday 17 April and only takes a few minutes to complete – you can help us decide where to focus our resources to best meet the needs of our communities. The survey asks which areas you think we should prioritise as a council. It also gives you an opportunity to tell us how you think we are doing.

“We want to know what’s most important to you, whether you live in our town or in one of our beautiful countryside villages. We’d like to hear from as wide a range of people as possible, so please share the survey with your friends and families.”

The consultation is managed by independent specialists on our behalf and runs from Thursday 5 March to Friday 17 April.

To have your say please go to the online survey