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Businesses: Your County’s Future Workforce Needs You!

19th October 2023


Dawn Redpath is Director for Economy and Growth at Surrey County Council


In August, the government announced that Upper Tier Local Authorities will take on all the formal functions held by Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) since 2011. For businesses, this will result in some practical changes and inherent opportunities.

It means from 1 April 2024, Surrey County Council will have responsibility for business representation, strategic economic planning, and delivering government programmes relating to the regional economy across the whole county. This includes the Growth Hub and the Careers Hub services.

Previously these responsibilities sat with two LEPs – Coast to Capital, which worked in east Surrey; and Enterprise M3, which worked in the west of the county.

Both of our LEPs have accomplished a lot since being established in 2011. We are building on strong foundations and working hard – in collaboration with colleagues at both of our LEPs – to integrate functions as quickly and efficiently as possible.

In time, we are confident the bringing together of services will deliver improved economic outcomes on a Surrey footprint. By positioning economic responsibilities with Surrey County Council, we know that we can maximise the benefits from the strategic position that local government holds, further driving economic outcomes from existing capability, resources and relationships.

In taking on these responsibilities, we will ensure the voice of local business continues to be heard in economic decision making. We recognise the benefits gained from ensuring that business experience can influence activity.

We are committed to a swift and efficient transition as we know that is what business needs. The first part of this process is already underway with Surrey Careers Hub having gone live in September. The team has started work with the county’s secondary schools, special schools, and colleges with the aim of ensuring every young person can find their best next step.

As businesses, you can get involved by offering workplace encounters, support schools directly as an Enterprise Advisor, or strategically guide the work as a Cornerstone Employer.

We know that businesses need a strong and agile workforce to thrive and grow, working together with Careers Hubs and aligned to our wider economic interests we can support our businesses to secure the workforce of the future.

Can you support the work of Surrey Careers Hub? Email for further information.