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Surrey Translation Bureau staff join campaign to raise awareness about endometriosis
2nd March 2021
Some of the female staff members at Surrey Translation Bureau (STB) are raising funds for Endometriosis UK to create more awareness about the condition.
1 in 10 women are affected by endometriosis, but it is rarely talked about. The team at Surrey Translation Bureau are mainly women and work in a female-driven industry. Even with many peers affected, it’s a condition that not many are aware about or feel comfortable discussing.
Throughout March some of the STB team members will be supporting those peers by carrying out an activity of their choice 10 times across the month. Whether baking, running, stitching, doing push-ups or writing poetry, Team STB will be doing it to raise awareness of the condition and contributions will be sent directly to Endometriosis UK to help continue to support women across the country.
The women at STB have passionately taken up the cause and have various reasons for doing so.
“I had never heard about endometriosis ten years ago, but since then I have become aware that this isn’t as rare as some people may think – it makes life really difficult for many – 1 in 10 women! For many, it’s a private subject, but without any awareness of it, how can society and employers bear it in mind and how can funding be directed towards improving treatment? Employers widely support other female conditions such as breast and ovarian cancers, but endometriosis flies under the radar – I think it’s time that changed and we support the women that we work with, as colleagues and as employers.”, explains Hannah.
Chloe further adds, “I know a number of people who’ve been affected by this horribly painful and debilitating condition and I think it’s really important to raise awareness of it among the public and healthcare professionals. By supporting Endometriosis UK, I hope that we will see faster diagnosis times and more support and understanding for the people affected.”
So, what is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is the name given to the condition where cells similar to the ones in the lining of the womb (uterus) are found elsewhere in the body.
Each month these cells react in the same way to those in the womb, building up and then breaking down and bleeding. Unlike the cells in the womb that leave the body during a woman’s menstrual cycle, this blood has no way to escape.
Endometriosis is a chronic and often debilitating condition that can cause painful or heavy periods. It may also lead to infertility, fatigue and bowel and bladder problems. Around 1.5 million women in the UK are currently living with the condition.
Jessica elaborates, “Although endometriosis can be successfully managed with the right treatment, we’re still no further along in improving health care services for sufferers than we were ten years ago. It is still taking women 7.5 years on average to get a diagnosis and even longer to find the right treatment for them. The only reason for this is lack of awareness and education, so I’m taking part in this challenge because it’s time we took action to stop women suffering in silence.”
If you would like to support women in your family, your friends, your colleagues, who might be affected by the condition, please help us raise awareness by sharing the information and donating to this campaign: