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EM3 Jobs Fuse service

30th June 2020

EM3 Jobs Fuse is a new service helping those whose jobs have been affected by coronavirus in the local area get back into employment – while supporting key regional employers with gaps in their staffing due to the pandemic.

It will connect employers who have urgent vacancies with individuals across the LEP area who are available to start work – while also listening to employers who have to make redundancies to see if there are opportunities for their staff arising in the region.

EM3 Jobs Fuse will also support those who have lost their jobs or whose job has been affected during the crisis through its dedicated telephone enquiry service – which offers free, impartial and professional advice to job seekers – including practical aspects such as CV writing and access to training.

Barney Ely, Chair of the Enterprise M3 LEP’s Skills Advisory Panel, said: “The Enterprise M3 LEP region boasts a wide, diverse pool of skilled talent which attracts, retains and supports a variety of businesses. The EM3 Jobs Fuse will provide a vital service for those affected by employment issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The LEP has been pleased to step in to develop this new service together with our partners, which gives further, complementary support to the Government’s employment support package. At this difficult time, the National Careers Service provider, Education Development Trust, will provide a valuable service that will connect redundancy situations to redeployment opportunities and help maintain our resilience to economic shocks such as this.”

Services for employers in the area

The service is available to local employers due to make redundancies who can contact a dedicated telephone number to find out about the careers advice and additional support available to staff.

In addition the service promotes local vacancies to individuals across the area who are immediately available to start work.

>> For further information call 0808 196 3596 or email the dedicated inbox

Supporting individuals affected

EM3 Jobs Fuse offers support to those whose jobs have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic through its dedicated telephone enquiry services – which offers free, impartial and professional careers advice and guidance – including practical aspects such as helping people understand their skills, explore job opportunities as well as local labour market information and access to training.

>> For further information call 0800 100 900 or email the dedicated inbox

EM3 Jobs Fuse has been launched to help employers and individuals with employment challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a joint service created by Enterprise M3 LEP, Enterprise M3 Growth Hub, The Education Development Trust (a prime contractor for the National Careers Service) and the Department for Work and Pensions. The aim is it will help match skills and employment opportunities as new and replacement needs arise as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.