DHP’s Winston Churchill School Discovery Space

22nd January 2019

It’s a new age in the delivery of the curriculum at The Winston Churchill School, Woking as the new ‘Discovery Space’ has now been finalised. The new build modern library occupies two floors, with an additional 28m2 dedicated to a planetarium on the first floor. The planetarium is one of only circa 30 fixed planetariums in the UK, one of only 2 in a UK school and the only one in a UK state school.


At the heart of the design, embedded through all disciplines, was the idea around creating a distinct, unique and inspiring space which will encourage students and the wider community to further engage and learn. Every single detail and colour within this project has been carefully considered, pops of colour throughout add interest, colour and fun whilst unique features add interest and depth. For example the manifestation has a repeated Morse code pattern which spells out ‘V’. The ‘V’ for victory is the trademark associated with ex-Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the namesake of the School.

The building design centres on a circular core, this includes a circular reception counter and the planetarium, and is incorporated vertically throughout by the circular halo LED lighting design, floor finishes, ceiling finishes and column alignment.

The final result is a unique and innovative learning environment which compliments the existing site architecture whilst using subtle contemporary forms. The planetarium has been shortlisted for the ‘Inspiring Learning Spaces’ award at the 2018 Education Estates Awards.

DHP’s Website 


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