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EM3 Leads Regional Response to the Global Jet Zero Challenge

12th January 2023


Enterprise M3 LEP brought together key stakeholders of a newly formed Jet Zero Cluster at Farnborough Airport, in Hampshire, to identify regional strengths in three important areas for greener aviation.

Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), advanced materials and airport operations including hydrogen fuel storage, are crucial in meeting the Government’s Jet Zero Strategy – a UK-wide plan for achieving net zero aviation by 2050.

The workshop was the second EM3 Jet Zero Strategy event, with representatives from aerospace businesses, trade bodies, local authorities and universities – all part of the internationally renowned Farnborough-based aerospace cluster.

Sue Littlemore, Joint Managing Director for EM3 who chaired the workshop said: “There is a tremendous amount of fantastic work going on based in and around Farnborough and resonating out across the rest of the EM3 area and beyond, which we should shine a light on.”

“The Farnborough Aerospace cluster clearly has great strengths in research, innovation and business development and we look forward to working with the range of partners to lead the way in ensuring the aviation sector meets the Jet Zero targets, and the Farnborough-based regional aerospace sector is recognised as a major contributor to those goals.”

If you would like to know more information about EM3’s work with the Jet Zero Cluster please email