TFBI Mindfulness Tips to enhance your mental and physical wellbeing
5th June 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a rise in the number of people suffering from stress, anxiety, and mental health issues. It is therefore important for everyone of all ages to take time out each day to relax. During the last few months of lockdown, it has been noticeable that many people are re-connecting with nature. They have been spending time in their gardens, local parks, nearby woodland and even growing flowers and vegetables on their balconies!
It has been known for many hundreds of years that nature is a great healer. So being able to step outside to find somewhere to relax and re-charge is important to our mental health and physical well-being. In addition, keeping a positive focus is important for coping with a lot of uncertainty.
Forest Bathing+ is based on a mindfulness practice, so during this time, TFBI has been providing daily mental hygiene tips to help those people who may be feeling challenged. Mindfulness can be practiced by everyone, it offers coping strategies to help you stay ‘in the moment’ and be calm and centred.
So, a simple tip for the day could be to simply focus on a single object, be it a tree, plant, flower, or birdsong. Become aware of the detail, so whether this is the bark on a tree, the shape of a leaf or flower, or the pitch of bird song, or even watching your favourite pet and their little habits; by focusing for a short time, you’ll notice how this helps to calm your mind, become present in the moment and appreciate the beauty of spring, birds, animals and nature.
Treat this quiet time as part of your ‘time out’ from the babble of social media and the constant stream of news. Savour the moment and use it to re-charge and energise from within.
TFBI will be starting to run Forest Bathing+ immersive therapy sessions for key workers, businesses, and their staff as soon as the lockdown phase is eased. Government guidance will be upheld during these events. You can keep up to date by following us on social media and the website.