Moldova The Wine Country

6th September 2021

Our story about wine begins from our childhood,  we are so proud of this heritage and  traditions that we want to preserve them for the future generations but also to introduce our values and the passion of our ancestors to the people in the UK.

Where is Moldova?

Moldova, shaped as a bunch  of grapes, is situated in the South-East of Europe, nestled between Ukraine and Romania, in the Black Sea basin, where the vine originates, sat on the same latitude as  Bordeaux  and other classic wine regions.

Why drinking Moldovan Wine?

Drinking Moldovan wine represents discovering, tasting unique blends that you will not find anywhere in the  world. A dance between Moldovan and European grapes varieties.

To drink Moldovan Wine represents wine diversity and tasting wines from an Old World Wine Country.

In Moldova Wine was and always will be the national symbol.

Please visit our webpage at and discover Moldovan Wine.

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