Latest Updates From Surrey Chambers CEO – 28th November 2022
1st December 2022

Local opportunity to influence skills solutions
The Team creating the Local Skills Improvement Plan at Surrey Chambers is now making great strides, and we are delighted to introduce Rob Gibson, Project Manager, Hannah Nicholson, Business Connector and Annie Umair, Events co-ordinator and Project support. This project provides a fantastic opportunity for businesses to have their say around the availability of skills. This will in turn be articulated to training and skills providers, who will work to help close some of the skills gaps identified. Our ears are open, and we are very keen to receive contributions from all sizes, sectors and types of businesses. We also want to hear best practice stories and where things are going well in matching skills needs with provision. We look forward to hearing from those keen on making a difference to the local skills landscape. We will be keeping our microsite, created at top speed by our patrons Akiko, up to date with all our latest findings.
Another government funded initiative is Multiply and our sessions are now available for groups of people in 5 different locations across Surrey. The purpose of our fun courses, delivered by Activate Learning, is to provide a refresher on all things mathematical to help people who are in employment to improve their numeracy skills at work and at home. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
Our delegates will benefit by:
- Learning some business focused number challenges
- Meeting others and building their network
- Improving their budgeting skills
- Improving their number skills using real life examples
- Adding skills that could help them progress in their career
It is quite rare that we receive funding for these opportunities in Surrey, so we are very keen that our businesses make the most of them.
Some great initiatives to support at this time of year, which the chamber is promoting
- Justice and Care’s Big Give Christmas Campaign
This campaign, fighting Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking is now live and runs until midday next Tuesday 6 Dec. Any donations made during the campaign week will be matched so it is a brilliant opportunity for supporters to double their impact! The goal is to raise £40,000 to support 40 survivors of slavery for a year through our Navigator Programme. Details are here for anyone wanting to support the campaign
- Community foundation for Surrey winter poverty campaign (
Surrey County Council is supporting the Community Foundation poverty campaign with a pledge to match fund any donations up to £130,000*. So, for every £10 donated, it will be doubled to £20.
All donations will be put towards awarding grants to local organisations that are actively helping those in poverty. Therefore, support will be received by food banks, community fridges, warm hubs, baby banks, debt advice and energy advice. And urgent support providers will also benefit.
Surrey Chambers of Commerce can be reached on 01483 735540,, @surreychambers