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BCC: Westminster should be focused on needs of the country
12th December 2018
Commenting on the news that the Prime Minister will face a vote of no confidence, Dr Adam Marshall, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said:
“At one of the most pivotal moments for the UK economy in decades, it is unacceptable that Westminster politicians have chosen to focus on themselves, rather than on the needs of the country.
“The utter dismay amongst businesses watching events in Westminster cannot be exaggerated. Our firms are worried, investors around the world are baffled and disappointed, and markets are showing serious strain as this political saga goes on and on.
“History will not be kind to those who prioritise political advantage over people’s livelihoods. Businesses need politicians, regardless of party or views on Brexit, to understand that their high-stakes gambles have real-world consequences of the highest order.”