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Winter Pimm’s Networking: Making A Difference On Your Doorstep
8th December 2021
On 3rd December 2021, local IT company, projectfive, hosted their 10th annual Winter Pimm’s Networking event at Barossa in Camberley.
As business networking events go, this was a little different!
Over 100 attendees, including our CEO, Louise Punter and Head of Membership, Sarah Butcher, wrapped up in their winter woollies, put on their wellies and headed to Barossa nature reserve in Camberley.
Winter Pimm’s Networking is a festive event that’s all about making a difference on your doorstep. Guests help the team from Surrey Wildlife Trust to clear an area of non-indigenous Scots Pine trees, which are harmful to the heath land habitat below.
The lowland heath is an extremely rare habitat, that is home to a variety of protected species, that simply cannot survive anywhere else. This work is vital to their protection.
After a welcome from projectfive’s MD, Steve Coburn, and a safety briefing from Surrey Wildlife Trust’s Ross Packman, the group were ready to go out and start chopping down some trees!
Each guest could choose, chop and take home a Christmas tree for free!
Lunch was provided by the Ben, the Head Chef from Login Business Lounge. He helped everyone refuel with delicious mini pork baguettes topped with a Cuban chimichurri.
After lunch, guests headed back out onto the heath land to clear as many trees as possible.
The day was rounded off with an orange ribbon prize draw (with prizes generously donated from local businesses), mince pies and Winter Pimm’s.
As well as the positive impact on the heathland, the event also raised over £2,000 for Surrey Wildlife Trust.
The projectfive team would like to say a huge thank you to Surrey Wildlife Trust and Thames Basin Heath for looking after them on the day, to their partners Login Business Lounge, Collectively Camberley, CMPP and Surrey Chambers, and of course to everyone that came on the day – you really made a huge difference on your doorstep.