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Surrey organisations form innovative partnership to improve health outcomes for county residents

24th July 2024

The University of Surrey, Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board (ICB), Surrey County Council, and Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex (KSS) have launched the innovative Surrey Academic Health & Care Partnership (SAHCP), a collaborative designed to improve health outcomes in Surrey through innovation and research. The health and wellbeing of Surrey citizens is not just a problem for the NHS to fix – it is the duty of us all, say the leaders of this new partnership which will complement work already being driven through the Surrey Heartlands and Frimley Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). 

Specifically, the Surrey Academic Health and Care Partnership (SAHCP) will provide critical links to research and innovation for existing health and care partners and help support a research-driven health and care ecosystem focused on achieving the best possible health outcomes for the people of Surrey.  

Professor Paul A. Townsend, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, said: 

“Many strategies are needed to ensure the NHS remains available for future generations. The key to this could be cross-organisational partnerships like the one we have launched with our partners from across the county. 

“The Surrey Academic Health and Care Partnership is much needed and will give Surrey a chance to tackle issues such as the fragmented health system, our ageing population, and increasing costs. 

“With our proven track record in health and medical sciences and the opening of the new Surrey School of Medicine, I am delighted that the University is playing its part in this partnership.” 

The new partnership will bring those involved into a formal body to facilitate greater connections to research and innovation. The Partnership will help tackle issues in population health, social care and primary care, as well as maintain close collaboration with local acute hospital providers. 

Dr Hatim Abdulhussein, Chief Executive Officer, Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex, said:  

“Health Innovation KSS are excited to welcome the development of the Surrey Academic Health and Care Partnership with NHS Surrey Heartlands, Surrey Council, and the University of Surrey. This significant collaboration will enable focus on research and innovation for local health and care challenges, designed around key priorities of moving health and care closer to the community, with prevention and the use of technology a focus.” 

Professor Andrew Rhodes, Joint Chief Medical Officer, Surrey Heartlands ICB, said: 

“Surrey Heartlands is excited about the prospects that this new Academic Health and Care Partnership can bring for the residents of Surrey.  

“Our emerging clinical strategy recognises the importance of keeping people healthy and supporting residents in managing their conditions so they don’t need to be admitted to hospital. Defining new ways of treating patients through research and innovation will be key to delivering this strategy and making sure we can cope with increasing demand. 

“Bringing together partners in academia, the local authority and others with external innovators will support us on this journey and help us deliver the most up-to-date healthcare for local people.” 

 A key first step is the launch of a £300,000 funding pot, which will be used to fund a range of evidence-based projects focused on improving health outcomes for local people. Bids are welcomed from all local health and care partners, as well as wider system partners and businesses around using the latest medical technology, innovative use of digital tools and redesigning services. The goal is to make a real difference in people’s lives and support economic growth through meaningful innovation. 

The official call for bids will be launched towards the end of July and will open for six weeks, with applications to be submitted by the end of August. Selected projects will be informed/awarded funding by late September/ early October. 

For more details on the SAHCP and the new fund, visit