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Spelthorne Borough Council welcomes Government go-ahead for Heathrow expansion
2nd July 2018
Heathrow expansion has moved one step closer with the parliamentary vote on the National Policy Statement (NPS) on 25 June, giving the go-ahead for a new north-west runway at Heathrow Airport.
Cllr Ian Harvey, Leader of Spelthorne Borough Council, said: “I welcome this news, which helps remove uncertainty for our residents and businesses and represents an important milestone in what has been a very long process to date.
I remain fully committed to realising the benefits that a new north-west runway at Heathrow will bring, in terms of economic growth, boosting jobs and skills, and improving local as well as national transport connectivity.
However we should not underestimate the task ahead of us. The real work starts now. Development in our Borough must be proportionate, appropriate, and bring long-term, sustainable benefits, such as the Southern Light Rail Scheme, to Spelthorne.
We must not end up the poor relation when it comes to airport-related infrastructure and development in our Borough. That is why the Council has set up a working group of officers, led by Cabinet Member Cllr John Boughtflower, to examine in detail all of the proposals as they emerge, to provide a structured and evidence-based analysis that we will use to work with Heathrow to get the best possible deal for the Borough and a positive legacy for our communities.
Neither do we think it is acceptable that Council Taxpayers foot the bill for this comprehensive piece of work. We will be looking for full recompense for work undertaken to test the assumptions and modelling put forward by Heathrow as the detailed plans emerge, including calling in technical expertise where necessary”.
Cllr John Boughtflower, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Heathrow expansion, said: “The Council’s support for Heathrow has always been heavily dependent on making sure that any negative effects are properly mitigated.
We are now going further: we intend to take every opportunity to ensure that Heathrow commit to the list of ten requirements recently put to them in our consultation response, which we think best protect the interests of the Borough’s residents, businesses and the local environment. In particular, we think that Heathrow must expand the “Wider Property Offer Zone” to our communities. We will also be making it clear to Heathrow that disproportionate and inappropriate development is not acceptable”.