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Looking for new talent in your organisation?
21st March 2018
Given the high employment rate in Surrey, do you find it hard to recruit and retain suitable employees? If so, the good news is that there are “hidden” pools of talent that many employers are not tapping into – young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Please click here to sign up.
Many of these young people are longing to work and make great employees if given the chance. Employers benefit by gaining new talent, which can bring useful insights to their organisation’s strategy, products and services. It also gives employers an opportunity to demonstrate their corporate social responsibility values to their employees, customers and local community, thus helping both customer and employee retention.
To help you harness “Hidden Talent” in Surrey we would like to invite you to sign up to the new Hidden Talent e-bulletin–> Sign up. Click here to see a previous edition of the e-bulletin
The Hidden Talent e-bulletin is brought to you by Surrey Youth Focus, a charity whose mission is to significantly improve the lives of young people through connecting, collaborating and innovating. This initiative has been developed in collaboration with Surrey County Council, Surrey Chambers of Commerce, charities, colleges, University of Surrey and selected employers. We are delighted to say that major employers including Barclays and Canon are interested in this initiative. The key aim of this initiative is to help increase work opportunities for young people with SEND through building employer knowledge, collaborations and confidence.
By signing up you will have the opportunity to:
- Find out how other employers have benefited from employing young people with SEND
- Learn how individuals have been supported by employers on their journey into employment
- Access resources for guidance, support or information to build your knowledge and confidence
- Find potential partner organisations (charities, colleges etc) in your community to help you explore how you can access new talent
- Make a difference to young people by offering work experience opportunities
If you would like to find out more about the Hidden talent project and getting involved please contact
Please click here to sign up.