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Kingston Smith awarded Bronze in Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Index
7th May 2019

Kingston Smith is proud to announce that the firm has been awarded Bronze in Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Index 2018-2019. The index is a benchmark of best policy and practice.
A Bronze award means Kingston Smith is achieving change when it comes to addressing mental health within KS. The top 20 accountancy and business advisory firm has started working towards better mental health at work by developing and implementing initiatives which promote positive mental health for its staff.
Senior partner at Kingston Smith Martin Muirhead said: “By participating in Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Index, Kingston Smith has made a long-term commitment to supporting the mental wellbeing of our people. We have conducted a staff wellbeing survey to get feedback on people’s views and experiences, which is key to ensuring we, as a firm, create a positive culture around mental health to support staff wellbeing.”
Emma Mamo, head of workplace wellbeing at Mind, said: “Every employer depends on having a healthy and productive workforce – valued and supported employees are far more likely to deliver the best outcomes for your organisation. That’s why we’re delighted to recognise and celebrate employers making mental health a priority for their organisation through our Workplace Wellbeing Awards.”