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How Do You Engage Your Audience Online?
17th May 2022

A new workshop to help businesses engage with their audiences whilst meeting online.
Do you struggle to grab the attention of your online audience and hold it? Do your Zoom meetings tend to drag on out of lack of engagement with your participants? Every time you appear on screen you are performing; how well rehearsed are your Speak Performance skills?
You know you need to raise your game with your Speak Performance skills. Your clients have much higher expectations in today’s virtual world. You are speaking, presenting, and delivering for business. Your business. Or your part of the business. You present to get results. For your audience. For your business. For you.
In the shift from in the room to virtual, you are painfully aware of the cacophony of noise that surrounds you—and your clients—drowning out your message. You are desperate to cut through the chaos in your viewer’s environment, your listener’s environment. The babble that distracts online, outside, or most often in their own head!
It’s simple. You must perform powerfully to that camera, confidently engaging your audience, your clients, through that looking glass. And the last thing you want to be is boring or beige. Blanding in is not an option, but it is your fear.
What is the workshop?
This 12-week programme set over Zoom, dedicate 3-4 hours a week working todays understanding and developing your online persona through various different practical methods, toolkits and performance techniques. We will look at storytelling, shaping your message, symphonies and creating tangible experiences for your audience, and how to connect with your audience on a more personal level. You will be given access to guided content, toolkits and activities throughout the week that will
What will you get from this workshop?
- Build Confidence
- Demolish Imposter Syndrome
- Destroy Death by PowerPoint
- Deliver Effectively for Your Audience not Yourself
- Design Your Success through Powerful Practice Tools
- Develop Mic and Camera fluency
- Drive the Room and the Zoom
- Go Beyond Rapport: Engage, Compel, Haunt and Obsess Your Audience
- Smash Expectations and Break the Bubbles Trapping Your Audience
- Take Your Audience Out of the Mundane and Transform Their Results
- Anticipate Your Audience’s Reaction and Keep Them on Your Side
- Creating a Magical Connection on Screen
Here are some comments from a previous workshop:
“Your talk made quite an impression on me. I think you might be able to help me with some unhelpful habits that I have when taking part in group discussions – on zoom but also in person too – which are due I think to lack of confidence, but perhaps more due to not adapting my style to the audience.”
“(The Workshop) certainly pushed a few buttons that I didn’t expect, which was good, because it pushed me out of my comfort zone, which meant it was introducing me to stuff that I was uncomfortable with that I had the opportunity to get comfortable with. And as a result, I think I’m much more confident and capable about the scripting side; being a bit more adventurous with the scripting.”
“ECHO (Engage, Compel, Haunt & Obsess) was a really powerful tool for me; thinking about what I can do to really resonate with my audience.”
“The Butterfly House audience profiling tool came at the perfect time when I was actually writing a training course for a client. Took that to a whole new level, which was absolutely incredible, just bringing in a really complex but simple model.”
What’s next?
Background info, taster video & audio, and indeed signup link for the next iteration of the 12 week ‘rehearsal programme’ are here
For those who are interested and would like to discuss the workshop ahead of simply pressing a button for a £1495+vat commitment, indeed may want an invoice to their company rather than inputting card details. I’ll willingly talk on ‘phone, Zoom, email, LinkedIn messaging or indeed via Calendly booking