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Council consults on proposed changes to decision-making model
10th December 2020

Spelthorne Council has launched a four-week consultation to gain the views of residents on proposed changes to the way decisions are made at the Council. The consultation will run from Monday 14 December up until Thursday 14 January 2021.
Currently the Council operates what is known as the Cabinet model of governance. This means that apart from the decisions which legally have to be taken by the Council and are delegated to officers, all other executive decisions are taken by the Cabinet which is made up of between 7-9 councillors selected by the Leader.
At the Council meeting held on 30 July, councillors approved a motion which proposed adopting a Committee System of governance; meaning that decisions which are currently taken by the Cabinet would instead be taken by a number of committees.
It is considered that the Committee System could provide a more open, democratic, inclusive and transparent way of conducting Council business as a wider group of local councillors would get to have a greater say in the decision making process.
Cllr John Boughtflower, Leader of Spelthorne Council, said: “It is so important that there is strong trust between the Council and residents, and that local people feel truly involved in the decisions that affect their
community and quality of life. This administration has worked with Leaders of all political parties in the Borough to establish the basis of these proposals and to move forward with the public consultation. Changing
to a Committee System of governance may be a good way of ensuring we achieve this but before we make any changes, we are keen to hear what residents think.”
The online questionnaire will open on Monday 14 December and to take part in the consultation please visit