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BCC comments on David Davis speech
20th February 2018
Commenting on David Davis’ speech in Vienna, Adam Marshall, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said:
“The Government’s commitment to maintaining high standards following the UK’s departure from the EU is an important step on the road toward greater clarity for business.
“To deliver an environment where high standards underpin strong trade links, the UK must retain its leading role in both global and pan-European standard-setting. Standards are set by industry, for industry, and businesses expect the UK Government to take decisions that help secure our already-strong position.”
On regulation, Adam Marshall added:
“UK firms would welcome a pragmatic agreement between the UK and the EU that ensures businesses face only one set of regulatory approvals to sell their goods across borders. This is important to ensure business continuity and effective supply chains on both sides of the English Channel, in industries from cars to cables.
“It is incumbent on the UK Government to demonstrate the basis for mutual recognition between the UK and the EU – and it is the EU’s responsibility to be open to such an arrangement as the negotiations progress.”