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Training Sessions from Sandler Training

20th April 2020

Whilst we are all in “lockdown” Paul Glynn from Sandler Training (Southern Counties) is offering an inexpensive option to local businesses. Owners, directors and some salespeople have more time right now, and less clients and prospects to talk to. That might not be accurate for some businesses, but we are hearing from some that business has gone down (temporarily) so low that they can’t keep people actively doing things, particularly as everybody is at home. A number of salespeople have been furloughed. This is the ideal time to get training. It is those businesses that are tooled up in product knowledge and skills that will be first out of the gate when normal times return.

The intensive course is 6 sessions of 90 minutes each through Zoom plus self-study over two weeks, that will lead to the world-recognised sales qualification “Sandler Bronze Certification”. It’s being priced as inexpensively as possible so businesses can get their furloughed staff on it.

Start date is Monday 27th April, sessions to take place at 4pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If you want details of the agenda and pricing, please contact Paul directly on 07866 518848 or


Free seminar on Thursday 23rd April 09.00-10.30

If you’re struggling to get hold of clients/prospects and are looking for some proven actionable tips on how to get hold of people amidst all the chaos then keep reading… MD’s in the Surrey area have got value from attending my business development workshops. In this session I’ll be helping leaders that find they:

-Get frustrated with the up and down sales success the have

-Are concerned their competition seem to be doing better than them

-Get worried they lack a structured approach to business development and end up giving a lot of free consulting.

If these sound like issues you have this session will help you overcome them and leave with an action plan you can use straight away.

If you’d like to attend the free seminar on Thursday 23rd  April 09.00-10.30, here is the link to register