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How to Make Your Business Investment-Ready

8th January 2018

The uncertainties of Brexit will be with us for some time to come, the companies that are going to succeed are those that are actively planning for growth now rather than waiting to see what happens.

Even in these uncertain times there are ways of achieving that necessary financing to accelerate your business growth or to maximise the value of your company prior to sale or flotation. However, the process of achieving financing needs to be approached with care; You typically only get once chance to present your company to an investor and need to engage their interest in probably less than two minute’s with your pitch.

The key interest points that an investor will look for, in addition to a strong management team and a good product with strong market demand, is a well thought through and presented business plan and associated financial plan with integrated financial cash and P&L forecasting models. Investors need to believe that you will use their money to best effect to deliver a healthy return.

Syncreate’s team is experienced in helping to write and refine these pitches and plans to present your company in the best possible light to potential investors.

Our team’s experience covers senior level business development, operational and financial due diligence positions with international companies and with SMEs. We have helped many companies to clarify their business plans and to present themselves successfully while seeking their financing.

How do we do this? By working with you to clarify your business goals, your product and market direction and to capture these in pitches and business and financial plans thereby presenting your company in a way that will engage investors. We not only advise but will co-write those plans with you.

We understand what is needed to achieve investment and have finance contacts which will enable the investment process itself to accelerate. As part of the process, we can accompany you through investor meetings and agreement negotiation.

We welcome the opportunity to work together to help you to become FINANCE READY and achieve your vision for your business.

Case Study – Readiness for Finance preparation

Company outline

A high-tech company was recently seeking investment to pursue the development of a software system for Internet of Things Applications – i.e. the control of devices through wireless protocols.

Due to a very short timeframe for the preparation of plans and documents prior to an investment deadline, Syncreate Ltd was asked by Surrey University to undertake the preparation of both the business plan and financial plan for the company. This entailed gaining an understanding of the technology and its potential markets and mapping out the strategy for the company for a three-year period.


The market and operational strategies were defined and all necessary documents were prepared within a 5 day overall timeframe and submitted as part of the grant application process. The grant of £300k was won and the company has now accelerated their development and commercial activities.

For more information, please click here. Alternatively, please send Andrew an email.