Latest News
3rd December 2018

3-24th February 2019 Guildford Shakespeare Company (GSC) have announced their 2019 programme, featuring their 40th show, a new venue, and their first London transfer, alongside a series of new Outreach projects. The year kicks off with GSC’s 40th show, MEASURE FOR MEASURE in Holy Trinity Church in February. The play’s themes of sexual harassment and the abuse of power have never been more prevalent, and for this production six characters will gender-swap at the interval, and re-start the whole play again from the beginning, to further promote and encourage discussion around our preconceptions of gender and power structures. In the wake of the #MeToo campaign and TimesUp, there has never been a more important time for this shockingly modern play.
In April, Shakespeare’s Birthday events in Guildford will see the company’s 8th series of SONNET WALKS take to the streets of Surrey’s county town, along with the GSC YOUNG COMPANY 3rd public show and a staged reading of the rarely seen KING JOHN. For the summer, two of Shakespeare’s funniest and best loved-comedies will take centre stage in GSC’s annual open-air season. In June the company return to the beautiful Bandstand venue in Guildford Castle Ground (last used by GSC in 2016) for the irrepressible TWELFTH NIGHT, whilst the brand-new venue of Stoke Park Railway at Burchatts Farm will be the perfect location for the hilarious THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR.
The 2019 programme will come to a close in the Autumn, with another of Shakespeare’s rarely seen comedies ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL. Part fairy-tale, part odyssey, this will also be the theatre company’s first London transfer, following its run in Guildford. Throughout the year the theatre company’s Education and Outreach programmes will continue delivering workshops and performances across the South East. A second term of SPIRIT OF YOUTH will build of the success of this Autumn’s inter-generational project, whilst the 4th year of DELIGHT IN SHAKESPEARE, with Delight Charity, will see the company take A Midsummer Night’s Dream to 15 of the most disadvantaged schools in Surrey. In April GSC will launch a brand-new mental health project for teenagers and their families. Over 12-weeks WITH MY EYES will enable generations to better communicate their issues through use dramatherapy. Tickets for MEASURE FOR MEASURE and the GSC ANNUAL PASS are now on sale. The Pass includes all seven ‘main house’ productions and guarantees holders reserved seating at every show. The perfect Christmas gift for theatre lovers also ensures continued support for locally made, locally played professionally theatre.
Cast to be announced later in the December.
Director Charlotte Conquest
Designer Neil Irish
Lighting Designer Mark Dymock
Sound Design Matt Eaton
Associate Designer Anett Black
Assistant Director Indiana Lown Collins
Producers Sarah Gobran/Matt Pinches
Dates & Times
3 – 24 February 2019 (excl. Sundays)
Eves. 7.30pm | Weds & Sat Mats 2.30pm (not 6 Feb)
Running time approx. 2 hrs 30 mins (incl. interval)
Press Night Wednesday 6 February, 7.30pm
Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford, GU1 3RR
Full £26
Concessions £23
(over 65, students, Equity, Jobseekers, Reg Disabled)
Children £16.50 (under 16)
Family tickets £78 (2 children, 2 full)
PREVIEWS £18 all tkts (except under 16s)
Special Offers
Groups Buy 10 get 11th free
Booking Info
GSC Box Office 01483 304384
(DO NOT use venue numbers)
GSC PRESS CONTACT Matt Pinches ~ 07971 234141