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Environment and Sustainability Master’s programme at Surrey University
25th May 2018
Today, sustainability affects all aspects of corporate and public policy decision-making. Knowledge, skills and confidence in sustainability frameworks is now a key career-development asset for managers and decision-makers across all disciplines. Sustainability specialists are drawn from engineering, sociology, psychology, natural sciences and business studies and combine these specialist insights with broader knowledge of sustainability to develop their leadership skills, roles and reputations. A Masters in sustainability increases career options and opportunities for the ‘next generation’ of sustainability thinkers.
Our Master programmes consist of 5-day intensive modules which can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis, making them ideal for blending with work and other commitments. Our modules help professionals with their understanding of sustainability concepts e.g. circular economy, natural capital, SDGs, clean growth, planetary boundaries to name a few. Each module incorporates a host of external professional speakers from industry, NGOs and government, while an industrial placement module provides invaluable on-the-job training.
Applications are now open for September 2018, so if this sounds like something you might be interested in, please visit the Centre for Environment and Sustainability page on our website and apply today –