Future Skills Forum Mar 2024 | Success Story
Tuesday 26th March 2024, saw the second Future Skills Forum hosted by the Local Skills Improvement Plan at the fantastic Aviator Hotel in Farnborough. The event gathered providers and employers alike to network and exchange ideas. The over 50 delegates in attendance also got to hear updates on Local Skill Improvement Plan activity.
Attendees were presented with a fascinating discussion between Louise Punter, CEO at Surrey Chambers of Commerce and Ross McNally, CEO of Hampshire Chamber of Commerce in a Q&A hosted by Barney Ely of Hayes Recruitment around why businesses and employers should get involved with the Local Skill Improvement Plan as well as ways to get involved in the LSIP report. There was also the benefit of allowing participants to ask important questions around skills provisions and employer engagement.
This was followed by updates from local colleges regarding Local Skills Improvement Plan and Local Skills Improvement Fund activity. Activate Learning (Guildford College), Basingstoke College of Technology and HSDC (Alton College presented, giving updates on their CreaTech facilities and learning environments, Collaborative employer engagement activity and in Alton College’s case, presented about their Space Technologies Programme. These showcased some of the ways the Local Skills Improvement Plan has been working with providers to deliver on actions listed in the LSIP report, found on Surrey Chambers Future Skills Hub website.