How Economic Development professionals can get involved in the LSIP
During the past few months, the LSIP team have been approached by some economic development professionals from across the local area, asking for more information about the LSIP, how they can engage and become part of the solution.
As the LSIP continues to grow and start to make impacts, this is great news – particularly as learning and skills play a central role in driving economic growth, promoting social justice and supporting inclusive communities. Economic development professionals obviously play a key role in all of this, so it’s great to invite them to get involved.
Here are five ways these professionals can input into the LSIP, ensure they’re kept aware of the economic impacts and keep updated about the opportunities being delivered:
1) Help us help you to connect employers with education and training providers. Since the LSIP was set up, we have been carefully working with colleges and other providers across the area to identify suitable routes in for enquiries from employers. Check out our Opportunities page for different ways we are connecting up business to education and vice versa.
2) Promoting skills and employment events across the area. Our events (especially where they are face-to-face) are always really welcomed by businesses. But we want to advertise your events too. If you have got an upcoming event that has a skills and employment theme, let us know and we will explore how we can work together to support. Check out the Events page here: https://www.surrey-chambers.co.uk/future-skills-hub/events/.
3) Arm yourself with local insights into the economy and labour market. One way for an area to improve productivity is to explore new sources of labour and any insights into the local labour market can support this. The Future Skills Hub has a library of reports and factsheets about each of the key sectors for the LSIP geographic area. Check them out here: https://www.surrey-chambers.co.uk/future-skills-hub/sectors/.
4) Getting to know the local education and skills system. Feedback from employers highlights the complexity of the skill system but also interest in learning more about it and the different ways to get involved. The Future Skills Hub has a dedicated page, designed for employers to explore different education and training opportunities, different ways to upskill employees and connect to future talent. Check it out here: https://www.surrey-chambers.co.uk/future-skills-hub/training/. If you have your own training, linked to our key sectors and/or cross-cutting skills, let us know and we can help advertise this too: lsip@surrey-chambers.co.uk.
5) Keep up to date with LSIP news and updates. We regularly update our News page (https://www.surrey-chambers.co.uk/future-skills-hub/news-updates/) and have a growing presence on key social media channels. We also publish a monthly Skills newsletter. If you would like to keep updated, please get in touch, via email at lsip@surrey-chambers.co.uk or our online form: https://www.surrey-chambers.co.uk/future-skills-hub/contact/.
One more thing. We always welcome any skills-related business intelligence insights. These are vital as the LSIP evolves and responds to business needs so where you have spoken to a business and they have shared a particular skills challenge, please pass this on to the team, and we can add this to our own insights: lsip@surrey-chambers.co.uk.
If you have any further queries or suggestions on being a part of the local skills solution, please get in touch: lsip@surrey-chambers.co.uk.