
Recording: Apprenticeships to Z codes-An employer’s guide to the education and skills landscape

100% of businesses not engaging with the skills system are also missing opportunities to solve skills gaps. But what is the ‘skills system’? The LSIP takes a look

The jobs and skills market is continually changing and evolving and within this, the biggest challenge for employers remains: Finding the right people with the right skills.

We recognize this and in early June, we ran our first in a series of interactive skills webinars, to help employers understand and navigate the skills system and identify effective strategies to reach and engage with skilled talent. 

We introduced three guest speakers at the webinar: Ashley Grute from HSDC, a local college, and Ruth Joseph & Carly Ward from SDN to speak about their free resource, aimed at employers: Education Landscape:

You can now watch the entire webinar below, featuring the following highlights: 

  • Ashley spoke about the Mission and Vision for HSDC and how the college is engaging with employers to realise these. It was also interesting to hear about the new Space Technologies programme and their work with local businesses to support the rollout of electric vehicles. 
  • Carly and Ruth from SDN gave some statistics about addressing skills shortages and how £6.1bn is spent every year on recruitment, retention and upskilling. They also introduced us to Education Landscape – a free resource, summarizing the different ways businesses can engage with education and training partners.

Commenting on the webinar, Ash and Ruth said: 

“I wanted to support this event in order to help employers understand how they can contribute and influence what we do at our college to help address local skills challenges. I also think it is crucial that employers realise how important they are to what we do and the part they can play in working collaboratively with FE, to ensure we focus on developing the right skills to prepare students to work in their sectors.” – Ashley Grute, HSDC

The need for education and business to collaborate has never been stronger so we were delighted to support the webinar to introduce the Education Landscape: Guide for Employers collateral.  We hope businesses will use them to understand the education system better and explore all the options available for them to become involved and the benefits of doing so.” – Ruth Joseph, SDN 

Copies of the slide decks from Ashley and Ruth can be downloaded, below: 

This was the first in a series of Skills Webinars from the LSIP team at Surrey Chambers of Commerce. Future webinars will take a deep dive into each of the following and promise to hone in on how they can help your business grow and thrive:

  • Apprenticeships and how they can help your business to prosper 
  • Careers Hubs and how businesses can impact on the levels of workplace skills gained within the education system 
  • Skills Bootcamps and how they solve immediate skills needs 
  • Multiply and upskilling numeracy in the workplace 
  • T Levels and how they relate to the workplace 
  • Accessing Untapped talent to widen your recruitment pool 
  • Work experience and how it can develop into a recruitment opportunity 

If you would like further details on any of the above, please contact the team: lsip@surrey-chambers.co.uk